

All code starting with a $ is meant to run on your terminal. All code starting with a >>> is meant to run in a python interpreter, like ipython.


Cosine can be installed (preferably in a virtualenv) using pip as follows:

$ pip install cosine-crypto


If you run into problems during installation, you might have a broken environment. See the troubleshooting guide to Set up a clean environment.

Installation from source can be done from the root of the project with the following command.

$ pip install .

Using Cosine

Once cosine has been installed, it’s relatively easy to get setup to run it. Before that however, it’s best to get familiar with the architecture and more information can be found via the Overview section of this documentation.

Once you’re ready you can begin by implementing code similar to the following.

import argparse
from cosine.core.algo import CosineAlgo

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Cosine Algo')
    parser.add_argument("-c", "--config",
                     help="Config YAML file required to setup the algo.")
    parser.add_argument("-e", "--env", choices=['DEV', 'TST', 'PRD'],
                     help="The execution environment.")
    parser.add_argument("-a", "--appname", default='Cosine Algo',
                     help="The name of the application.")
    parser.add_argument("-lf", "--logfile",
                     help="The name of the log file. Do not change this unless you know what you're doing.")
    parser.add_argument("-lv", "--loglevel",
                     choices=['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'FATAL', 'CRITICAL'],
                     help="Log level.")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    app = CosineAlgo(cmdline_args=args)

if __name__ == "__main__":

In the above code we perform the following actions:

  1. First we import the argparse module to capture the required command line arguments Cosine cares about.
  2. Then we import the CosineAlgo class, the main application class we need to instantiate to launch the algo.
  3. In our main function we construct the argument list for consumption and parse it.
  4. We then instantiate the CosineAlgo class into an object, which we then proceed to run to start the algo execution.

Command Line Arguments

Here’s the set of command line arguments that cosine looks for.


Cosine will by default check the provided cmdline_args keyword parameter of the CosineAlgo constructor, for the required parameters and if not provided, fall back to the environment variable equivalent and then a default if none has been provided.

Command Line Argument Environment Variable Description Type
–config COSINE_CFG The path to the configuration file required str
–appname COSINE_APP The name of the application str
–env COSINE_ENV The execution environment str
–logfile COSINE_LOGFILE The path to the file to provide logging into str
–loglevel COSINE_LOGLVL The filtered log level str

Configuring The Algo

Cosine provides a comprehensive set of configurations for setting up and customising the algo. See the Configuration Management section for more details.

Custom Strategies

Cosine supports the implementation and configuration of custom strategies for use with the algo framework. See the Strategies section for more details.

Custom Connectivity

Cosine supports the implementation and configuration of connectivity to a multiple custom venues for execution, as well as to multiple pricing feeds concurrently. See the Venues section to learn more about building and using custom exchange connectivity. Also check out the Pricing Feeds section to learn more about building consuming custom feeds to new pricing sources.